Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Man, Kraven better not have messed up my courses too

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 (2015)
Chosen by Chantal.

Welcome to my new review blog 'Is It Wednesday Yet?' where I will look at some comics in brief (if you've somehow stumbled onto this without having seen my filmaday reviews - they tend to be short, light on information snaps of how i felt about a movie rather than what it is about, and feature way too many parenthesis). I'm not sure if I will do this daily (very unlikely) but for those who don't know, American comics tend to come out on a wednesday, hence the title of this blog and not necessarily a release schedule. 
A friend had been asking me to do something like this for a while so the first comic reviewed is one she asked for.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is pure joy. And not that I would want every super-hero comic to be like this but by golly I wish more were.
It has a fun done in one (most modern American comics are multi part stories) plot with as much emphasis on character building as action. The gags fly fast (it squeezes more in by having little punchlines at the bottom of each page) and the art and colour just pop.
It is very much a part of the Marvel world with neat jokes about the Avengers and a fun villain, who gets defeated by both brawn and compassion, which is a smart trick and marks this take on Doreen green/Squirrel Girl as something special.

Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Erika Henderson
Colour Artist/Designer: Rico Renzi

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