Saturday 23 September 2017

The 100% true story about the time I did (not) have a threesome

Let's Watch Gremlins (2016)
Chosen by me, picked up from Thought Bubble Comic Art Festival

Honestly I saw this cover and just had to buy it. Who doesn't want to watch Gremlins?
The answer may shock and surprise you.
I wanted to make a concerted effort to pick up some small press stuff from T-Bubs (as almost certainly no-one actually cool calls it). I havent been for years, but it was my favourite UK con. The atmosphere just felt a bit more refreshing from say the Bristol or Birmingham ones I had been too. But mostly my anxiety would get the better of me, and I'd always end up not going. 
This year a friend basically went "this is the coach, this is the hotel. Book it and come". So clearly I just need a social secretary. 

Gremlins (and especially Gremlins 2) is a favourite of mine. So that did the job of getting me to pick this up without knowing anything about it.
Of course the first panel had the dialogue "You hate Gremlins?!" given by someone to the author of the piece (it's an autobiographical tale). 
You would think this would not put them in my good books.
But the slim book is a charming, funny tale about how Joe Dante's masterpieces just keep getting in the way of a hookup with an attractive couple.
It is more of an anecdote than anything substantial, the person the tale is being told to is not named and has little depth but the coda still manages to be sweetly comedic.
There is a real sense of great comic timing, repeated panels are well used to sell the joke and an image of the attractive couple high-fiving is massively funny.

You can find Capitalette's work here

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