Wednesday, 6 September 2017

we're not using that name

Kim & Kim #1 (2016)
Chosen by me from my store's shelves. It's the first review of a book I havnt read more than one issue of and knew almost nothing about before picking up.

Cover art by Tess Fowler and Kiki Jenkins
A pure blast of bubblegum silliness.
Great fun, though with that slightly annoying over-the-top enthusiasm that can be grating this skirts that with a strong sense of character and design.
In the mold of anarchic books like Tank Girl or Rat Queens it zips along with punk glee, stopping for a cutesy and not overly clunky campfire talk setting up some of the "queer as fuck" (as the trade paperback advertises it) backstory and emotional beats. 
I can't wait to read the rest.

Writer: Magdalene Visaggio
Pencils and inks: Eva Cabrera
Colourist: Claudia Aguirre
Letterer: Zakk Saam

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