Tuesday, 5 September 2017

You can probably stop doing that now.

New X-Men #114 (2001)
Chosen by me from my shelf.

There is an element of "not your parents X-men" going on here that possibly rankled some fans (a line about costumes from wolverine, similar to one in the first Bryan Singer movie, irritates a little) but New X-Men 114 (they didnt relaunch with number ones quite as casually then) was, and still is, a blast of fresh air.
The costumes may have had a more movie inspired look but they really pop on that cover and the X-Men had never looked cooler.
It gave Scott Summers a bit of a personality beyond, stick in the mud, turning a moribund goody two shoes with red head issues into something more interesting.
Emma Frost isn't in this issue but if she isn't your favourite after this run, we may not be on speaking terms.
Frank Quitely, an artist I wasn't massively into from his Judge Dredd Megazine days quickly became my favourite. The book looked like nothing else on the stands, super-hero or otherwise.
Cassandra Nova may be a touch too complicated (this is Morrison writing after all) to be as iconic as a Magneto or even an Apocalypse but she is fascinating and unusual and scary as all hell.
I had read a bunch of Claremont/Byrne (and others) stuff for X-Men but despite thinking they were ok never really got on with them. After this run had been going for a short while I went back and revisited. 
Suddenly they all really clicked. 
It just took a sideways glance to get me to appreciate.

Writer: Grant Morrison
Penciller: Frank Quitely
Inker: Tim Townsend
Colourist: Brian Haberlin
Letterers: Saida Temofonte, Comicraft

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