Tuesday 26 September 2017


The Fox (2015)
Another Thought Bubble purchase made on a whim from walking around the stalls.

A 'silent' comic. Being a comic with no dialogue (there is the odd sound effect here and there).
The story-telling is clear and concise with only one moment where it seems to lack confidence in it's visuals being enough and cheats a couple of speech bubbles (with an image and question mark inside) but otherwise is strong and interesting enough to sustain it's 30 or so pages without overly anthropomorphiseing  the lead creatures.
The art is very sweet even when dealing with the viciousness of nature and the story takes an unexpected turn in it's last act that manages to give a sense of conclusion to a slight tale.
Rather adorable.

You can find Joe Latham's work at www.lookhappydesign.com

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